Thursday, October 28, 2010


Talk about waste disposal, i got very tired because this topic has never been completed.
If I go to anywhere i would hear on this issue. Even the government has carried out many awareness programs to reduce waste disposal, but people still do not realize its importance to our country.
Actually, there are many ways to overcome the waste disposal. solution to this problem lies on the shoulders of the public because they are also involved in the growing incidence of this.

First. all waste disposal can be recycled by separating according to categories such as plastics, glass, or paper boxes. Sounds like a very messy, but this is a very simple way to reduce garbage and foul odor. before we throw away garbage, trash made in various colors such as blue bins for glass,
green bins for paper and orange bins for cans and plastic.

Second. we can reuse the waste products. Not all waste dumped in dirty and useless.
We may collect the empty cans and make it as a tube or coin money. Not only that, the boxes can be utilized as a place to store the goods.

Overall, all of us must be cooperate to settle down this universal problem .
What we say reflects ourselves?

Honestly, when I got this blog title from my lecturer I became very unclear about it. I asked to all my classmates and friends what is the meaning about it but all of them made me headache because gave me different meaning and perceptions, fuuhhh ! I had been thinking for many times to define it and last I had decided to define it with my own perceptions. I will share with all of you about my opinion about this topic.

Well, I think all of us must be have used rough and bad words in our daily life. Even a person good in religion will say it in his heart without we know. No people in this people were complete. All of us had own strength and weaknesses. I used myself for example,  honestly sometimes I would used bad words when chatting with my buddies but it doesn't mean that I was bad or rough person. Anybody that saw me for the first time may think that I was bad person because my face looked matured like old man. Hahaha !

While they kept thinking that I was bad person, some people would come closer to me and they wanted to know anout myself. These kind of  people would not judge about attitude from looking face but looking heart. I felt better because in this world still had people that  to get know about someone did not look by looking face. My words quite rough but I would not say it to elders and older. I just used it when chatting with my buddies for purpose I was joking. Thats all !

Another example around us was by looking good person. When looking from in front of us, he or she used to be good manners but we never expected what they did behind us . Looking a clean face but bad and jerk manners. So, what I really want to say here is do not judge book by it's cover.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


In our daily life, we have to open our hands to pray to The Almighty to make our life become easier in His world. Without Him, we would never born in this beautiful and magnificent world. So, as His slave we must to be grateful to Him. One of the ways to grate to Him is pray to Him.

* Relaxing your heart
* Works become easier and run smoothly
* Reminds us that there are other people suffering
* Will get rewards from The Almighty
* Life more better

The habits and attitudes that will make each student success ...

1. Focus in the class 
The good student will give 110% to the class lesson. They will not care about other student that disturb them . 

2. Take a note for important points
The good student will hear or look for important point and take the key words or important points that will help them to study easier.

3. Care of health
The good student will take care of their health and will practice the adopt healthy lifestyle like exercise 20 minutes in 3 times per week .

4. Think positively 
The good student will think everything positively to avoid the stress attack their mind and thinking. With positive thinking , any problem will get solution fast .

5. Do not postpone the assignment given
The good student will finish all the assignments given earlier to avoid the last minute work . The last minute work will cause mind become heavy cannot thinking well.

The habits and attitudes that will not make each student success ...

1. Poor time management
Most big problem to handle. Some student did not know how to manage their time well. They become lazy and heavy to go to class or any conversation with others.

2. Disrespectful with others
Even students become older , they cannot rude or disrespect to the others. The others will rude to them if they did not respect others.

3. Bad thinking
This happened because they cannot thinking well. They may hear the bad words or watching bad story that caused their thinking become negative.

4 . Lack of religious upbringing
Without good education about religion, student's mind and soul will not in peace because they were affected by their environment.

5. Wasting time with things that are not beneficial
Students like to waste their time by doing something that do not give them benefit. They waste their money and time and also doing bad things.