Thursday, October 28, 2010

What we say reflects ourselves?

Honestly, when I got this blog title from my lecturer I became very unclear about it. I asked to all my classmates and friends what is the meaning about it but all of them made me headache because gave me different meaning and perceptions, fuuhhh ! I had been thinking for many times to define it and last I had decided to define it with my own perceptions. I will share with all of you about my opinion about this topic.

Well, I think all of us must be have used rough and bad words in our daily life. Even a person good in religion will say it in his heart without we know. No people in this people were complete. All of us had own strength and weaknesses. I used myself for example,  honestly sometimes I would used bad words when chatting with my buddies but it doesn't mean that I was bad or rough person. Anybody that saw me for the first time may think that I was bad person because my face looked matured like old man. Hahaha !

While they kept thinking that I was bad person, some people would come closer to me and they wanted to know anout myself. These kind of  people would not judge about attitude from looking face but looking heart. I felt better because in this world still had people that  to get know about someone did not look by looking face. My words quite rough but I would not say it to elders and older. I just used it when chatting with my buddies for purpose I was joking. Thats all !

Another example around us was by looking good person. When looking from in front of us, he or she used to be good manners but we never expected what they did behind us . Looking a clean face but bad and jerk manners. So, what I really want to say here is do not judge book by it's cover.

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